Time & Talent - Parish Ministries

We always have a need for help from our parish family in areas of our church life and ministry -- opportunities for you to give back to the church and community while growing in your relationship with Christ. You can volunteer as an individual or as a family.  Even better yet, your level of involvement is up to you – ministries can involve as little as a once-a-month time commitment or even one event a year.
Please review the ministries descriptions & consider signing up.

Though you can sign up at any time throughout the year, our Time & Talent Weekend in 2024 is October 5th/6th.


A Winter’s Aire Concert

This concert, typically held the first weekend of December, is held to benefit the music ministry program. It includes a live concert, wine tasting and appetizers with our famous homemade soups. Additionally, a silent auction is held to benefit Fr Matthias’ Operation Orphan Program in Uganda. 


Bereavement Ministry

Offers comfort and healing presence to those experiencing the death of a loved one. This may extend from the time of death, through the wake service and Mass of Christian burial and beyond. A member of theministry may attend the wake service or funeral Mass to provide prayers and assistance. Information on dealing with grief is sent home to the family as well. Family members are encouraged to attend our annual All Souls’ Procession and carry a candle.


Book Club    

The book club is open to readers of all ages who are interested in reading a book once a month and then engaging in a discussion of the book. The club typically meets on the 4th Thursday of the month. Members alternate hosting duties.


Boy Scout Troop #533

Boy Scout Troop 533 is chartered under Corpus Christi Catholic Church. The troop meets on Monday or Tuesday nights in Grooten Hall.


C3M (Corpus Christi College Ministry)

C3M seeks to provide programs to keep our college students and parish informed about the students’ lives via email, mail, and the parish website. This ministry also maintains contact with the Diocese of Belleville's seminarians. The group makes homemade cards for birthdays and holidays as well as sending out exam goodies for students & seminarians. Besides the parish's college students, the program now reaches out to students from McKendree University that participate in Joseph House.


Chicken Dinner Committee

The parish’s semi-annual chicken and pasta buffet dinner is held on the 4th Sunday of April and October. The dinner is organized by a committee that oversees the various parts of the dinner. The dinner also includes a raffle. Workers, desserts and prizes are needed in order to make this fundraiser a success. Volunteer to be on the committee or to help on the day of the event or donate a prize for the raffle.


Concert Committee

Assist the music director in planning concerts. Help with advertising, decorating, food prep (when included) and/or organizing the event.


Funeral Luncheon

The Funeral Luncheon Ministry helps make a very difficult day a little easier for family and friends following the death of a loved one. Through the generosity of many volunteers in the parish, we are able to provide a meal after funerals in the parish center. We are continually looking for cooks to donate a side dish or dessert as well as people to set-up, serve, and clean up the luncheon.


Gardening Help

Though not a large property, the church grounds include a significant amount of landscaping that needs weeding and tending from early March through late October. No set schedule. You can work at your own pace when time allows.


Holiday Hilltop

Each year, this fundraiser is held to benefit a sick child from the community. Though the Holiday Hilltop is organized by a committee separate from the parish, it has been hosted and supported by Corpus Christi since its inception. The event includes a 5K run, half mile fun run/walk, silent auction, raffle, bake sale, lottery ticket raffle, and more. The Holiday Hilltop 5K has brought in over $400,000 for its recipients over an 11-year span. 


Joseph House

Joseph House is a gathering space for students from McKendree University in Lebanon, IL. The house is supported by St Joseph Catholic Church in Lebanon and Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Shiloh.  The students meet in the rectory at St Joseph's on Monday evenings during the school year. Fellowship and food are provided at no charge to the students. The churches provide a meal each week and alternate hosting duties. A sign-up sheet can be found in the gathering space at each church for their respective dates. Hosts and cooks are always needed. Monetary donations accepted to offset the cost of disposable goods (ie plates, napkins, cups & utensils).


Knight of Columbus

The modern Knights of Columbus is a service organization that provides an outlet for its members to better serve their church, country, and community. The Knights participate in charitable works, raising money and providing support for groups in need throughout our communities. They provide fellowship, reinforcing our beliefs and strengthening the ties between family and friends. It is our great privilege to serve and support the activities of our parishes and the worldwide church. Though we currently don’t have our own chapter, parishioners are invited to belong to St Clare Church’s group.


Ladies Club

Ladies Club is a social, service, and spiritual organization. It exists to promote Christian fellowship through social gatherings, encourage the involvement of the women in the parish and to provide modest financial support to the parish. The ladies typically meet monthly. The calendar is established in January and includes many fun activities as well as service projects plus the annual rummage sale. Additionally, the club organizes the Box of Joy project and co-sponsors the Ladies Night Out Dinner. Any task or duty that is asked is never considered too small, too big, too difficult, or unmanageable.  Come to one event or all; you decide.


Liturgical: Environmental Arts

The primary purpose of this group is to decorate the worship space (albeit church or hall) in preparation for Mass for holidays, Holy Days, and special liturgical events.  Time commitment varies by time of year.  This group works in conjunction with the liturgy committee.


Live Stream Team

Are you tech savvy? Would you be interested in helping behind the scenes broadcasting our liturgical events? Commitment time varies.


Men’s Club

Men’s Club is a social club to promote the camaraderie among the men of the parish. The club meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6 pm. Come to one event or all; you decide.


Ministry to the Homebound and Sick

This ministry extends care by making weekly personal visits to the homebound, bringing them Jesus in the form of Holy Communion.  Ministers must have empathy and remember that these individuals have personal needs and few visitors.  Time commitment is approximately ½-1 hour per week.  Volunteers must be a Eucharistic minister though they do not have to be actively scheduled if they prefer.


Mouse Races

Each year this event is held to benefit the parish. Participants can support their favorite "live" mice for each race. Race winnings are converted to tickets allowing participants to have a chance at prizes such as a TV, gift cards, lottery tickets and more.  Help is needed organizing and executing this event which is held during the spring prior to Easter. Workers are also needed the night of the event.


Music: Cantors

A cantor is a trained vocalist who leads the congregation in song at Eucharistic celebrations and other services. Training provided.


Music: Instrumental

Do you play an instrument? Are you interested in lending your talents to making our Eucharistic celebrations and other services more beautiful by ministering with song whether on a regular basis or just for special events.


Parish Clean Up & Maintenance

Volunteers perform repairs, maintenance and cleaning of the parish facilities and grounds on a semi-annual basis or as needed. Always looking for those with skills in plumbing, electrical, carpentry and more for repairs to the buildings. There is work for all ages and the more volunteers the better our parish looks and works.


Prayer Chain

Corpus Christi Prayer Chain has members eager to pray for those in need. You do not need to be a parishioner to participate or be included on the pray list.


Prayer Hour for Vocations

On the first Thursday of the month, prayer hour is offered for vocations. The service includes adoration, prayer, and benediction. Everyone is invited to make a commitment to join their parish family for this hour.


St Vincent de Paul Society

As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gathering, and adherence to a basic Rule. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.


Social Committee

As people of hospitality, the social committee works to support the parish and maintain a social community life by assisting the pastor with the pastoral and social well-being of the parish. The committee helps with the Mardi Gras potluck, Holy Saturday reception, coffee and donut events, and graduation appetizer reception, to name a few.


Snow Shovelers

Clean snow and ice from sidewalks around church and buildings before weekday and weekend Masses.


Trivia Night

This fundraiser is held to benefit the parish and is new to our annual list of events.  Held in the fall prior to Chicken Dinner, workers are need to help with the planning and execution of this event.


Youth Ministry

Youth Group is typically held on Sunday afternoons for the youth of the parish to gather and participate in various activities.  Youth are invited to help with different church events including Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Box of Joy (shoeboxes for needy), Chicken Dinner, decorating at Christmas and more. The parish is restarting youth group with a middle school program (6th-9th grade) in September 2023. Older grades will be added later if there is interest. Team members are needed to help with organizing events. Middle and high school students are invited to attend one or all events.




Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the celebrant of the Mass in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.  Extraordinary ministers must be knowledgeable and willing to comply with diocesan guidelines for this ministry.  Men and women must have received Confirmation prior to being accepted as a Eucharistic minister.  Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Scheduling requests must go through the parish office.



Proclaim the Word of God during Eucharistic celebrations.  Lectors must be able to speak in public & be able to project their voices.  Children who are good speakers and are 5th grade and above are welcome to join. Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Scheduling requests must go through the parish office.



Boys and girls of the parish assist at a variety of liturgical events including Sunday and Holy Day celebrations of the Eucharist.  Servers must be conscientious, reverent, attentive, punctual, and well behaved.  Children must be in the 3rd grade or higher and have received First Communion.  Adults are welcome to join this ministry. The adult servers are especially important for funerals, daily Mass, and Saturday evening Mass. Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Time commitment is once or twice a month.  Scheduling requests must go through the parish office.



Usher/greeters offer a welcoming presence to those who attend Mass.  Besides welcoming all attendees, usher/greeters take up collections, carry up the gifts as well as distribute worship aids and  bulletins.  A friendly demeanor and a pleasant attitude are a must. Children who are 5th grade and above and families are welcome to join. Training & regular renewal sessions required. Scheduling requests must go through the parish office.




Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 9 AM Mass for children ages 3 years old through 2nd grade (those who have not yet made First Communion). Children are dismissed prior to the First Reading so as to engage in the readings through age-appropriate activities. The children return before the Eucharistic Prayers. The program is open to parishioners and visitors. The program runs from the 3rd Sunday in August through the 1st Sunday of May.


Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Corpus Christi Catholic Church’s Parish School of Religion Program is a partnership between the parish and your family. Classes are held for children in kindergarten through 8thgrade. First Reconciliation & First Communion are typically celebrated in a child’s 2nd grade year and is held every year. Confirmation is typically celebrated in a child’s 7thor 8thgrade year and is held every other year in odd numbered years. PSR sessions are from 10-11 AM on Sundays. The PSR year runs from the 3rd  Sunday in August through the 1st Sunday of May. Confirmation class times and class length as well as frequency of  classes may vary from times stated.

     New students are welcomed year-round.

          PSR teachers are always needed and welcomed.



The Catholic Church provides a process for formation in the Catholic Christian way of life called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), formerly RCIA.  This process is for unbaptized adults and children (over the age of seven) and those baptized in another faith. It is a gradual process inviting an individual to learn & understand the teachings of the Catholic Church. During the process people have the opportunity to ask questions about the Church & study Jesus’ message of salvation and learn how Catholics try to live out that message.  Adults seeking to become Catholic, who were validly baptized in another Christian denomination, also need an understanding of Catholic beliefs and the liturgical life of the Church before making a commitment to the Catholic Church. Each person’s situation is evaluated, and his/her needs are met in an appropriate way. Adults needing the Sacraments of Confirmation or First Eucharist are also invited to join us. Team members are always needed and welcomed.




Parish Council

The parish pastoral council is a consultative body, pastoral in nature, comprised of individuals from within the parish community who discern whether they have a calling to be involved by the Holy Spirit. The council also includes parish staff and trustees who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The council’s primary job is to serve as an advisory body to the parish priest about pastoral issues as well as promoting pastoral action within the parish. Council meets on the third Tuesday of odd numbered months.


Finance Council

The Finance Council is a consultative body of parishioners established to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The council’s function is to assist the Pastor in the prudent planning and administering of all parish financial matters in setting of policy and procedure to provide effective management of parish assets. Typically, the council meets 3-4 times a year.




Annual Events

Partnership Mass and Picnic, Ladies Night Out Dinner, Rummage Sale, Boxes of Joy, Easter Egg Hunt, Mardi Gras Dinner, and more — These events are organized by one of the groups listed. Watch the bulletin and website for details on how to help.