A social, service and spiritual organization. It exists to promote Christian fellowship through social gatherings and to encourage involvement of the women in our parish and to provide modest financial support to our parish.
Mission: To enrich members spiritually and to support the parish and the extended community.
Vision: To be a positive force for good works in both the church and the extended community.
The club is open to any female registered Corpus Christi parishioner 18 years of age or older. St Joseph parishioners are always welcome to join us at any event.
Once a month, typically on the second Wednesday of each month. Rescheduling and canceling of meetings will be by notice in church bulletin. A yearly calendar of events is discussed and planned at the January meeting.
The ladies assist in many important and fun activities. Today the ladies sew, do the laundry of the altar linens, assist in decorating the church, teach PSR(Parish School Religion), volunteer for various jobs during the chicken dinner, help at the funeral luncheon, help organize the Box of Joy program and Easter Egg Hunt with the youth group, set up and run the annual rummage sale, co-sponsor the "Ladies Night Out" fundraiser for PSR, make fleece tied blankets for the parishioners suffering from illness, and for total fun and enjoyment they have dinner out, hold a Christmas dinner party, and other events such as ice cream social, BBQ and more. Any task or duty that is asked is never considered too small, too big, or too difficult or manageable. Funds raised at the rummage sale a used to benefit the parish.