a Roman Catholic Community in Shiloh, IL

Liturgical Ministry

The Work of the People Liturgy




 Proclaim the Word of God during Eucharistic celebrations.  Special skills:  Lectors must be able to speak in public & be able to project their voices.  Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Adults and children in 5th grade or above are invited to participate.  Time commitment is once or twice a month. Scheduling requests must go through parish office.

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614



This committee assists in the preparation of special liturgical events throughout the year.  This group encompasses music ministry, environmental art and liturgical ministery. Corpus Christi and St Joseph have separate committees but typically work together. Time commitment is approximately 2-10 hours per month depending on the liturgical season.

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614



Boys and girls of the parish assist at a variety of liturgical events including Sunday and Holy Day celebrations of the Eucharist.  Special skills:  Servers must be conscientious, reverent, attentive, punctual and well behaved.  Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Children must be in the 3rd grade and have received First Communion.  Adults are welcome to be trained as well. Time commitment is once or twice a month.  Scheduling requests must go through parish office. 

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614

server with candle           palm sunday servers



Usher/greeters offer a welcoming presence to those who attend Mass.  Besides opening doors and greeting all attendees, usher/greeters take up collections, carry up the gifts and distribute bulletins.  A friendly demeanor and a pleasant attitude are a must as we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and supportive community.  Training & regular renewal sessions required. Adults and children in 5th grade or above and/or families are invited to participate. Time commitment is once or twice a month. Scheduling requests must go through parish office.

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614

usher with basket           usher with gifts



Assist the celebrant of the Mass in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.  Extraordinary ministers must be knowledgeable and willing to comply with diocesan guidelines for this ministry.  Men and women must have received Confirmation prior to being accepted as a Eucharistic minister.  Training & regular renewal sessions required.  Time commitment is once or twice a month. Scheduling requests must go through parish office.

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614



This ministry extends care by making weekly personal visits to the homebound, bringing them Jesus in the form of the Blessed Sacrament.  Ministers must have empathy and remember that these individuals have personal needs and few visitors.  Time commitment is approximately 1 hour per week.  Volunteers must be a Eucharistic minister.

Contact (s):  Cheryl Heimerman

Phone Number (s):  618-604-8625



The primary purpose of this group is to decorate the worship space (albeit church or hall) in preparation for Mass for holidays, Holy Days and special liturgical events.  Time commitment varies by time of year.  This group works in conjunction with the liturgy committee.

 Contact (s):  Michele Stroot

Phone Number (s):  618-632-7614

fall decorations       lenten decorations     christmas decorations     palm sunday