Use the QR code or the link above to order with credit card. Link should be accessible through Friday evening. Cash and checks can be used when ordering at church.
Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we do not have a bulletin for the weekend of February 1st/2nd. See the flyer below instead.
Partnership Mass Schedule
4:30 PM Saturday: Corpus Christi
9:00 AM Sunday: Corpus Christi (Live Streamed)
10:30 AM Sunday: St. Joseph, Lebanon
Weekday Masses
Tuesday & Thursday 8 AM: St Joseph, Lebanon
Wednesday & Friday 8 AM: Corpus Christi
Holy Day of Obligation: TBD
Saturday 3:30-4 PM: Corpus Christi
Sunday (Following Mass): St Joseph, Lebanon
Prayer Hour for Vocations with Adoration & Benediction
First Thursday of the Month 7 PM: Corpus Christi
Second Saturday of the Month 4 PM: Corpus Christi
Second Collections
Sunday, February 9th
The 2025 Catholic Service Ministry Appeal: Commitment Sunday
Sunday, March 9th
Black and Indian Missions
Presentation of the Lord
Liturgical Notes

Club News
Adoration, Prayer & More
Sick of the Parish
That the sick and suffering find courage, strength and consolation in Christ and his Cross.
Our prayers go out to the sick of the parish especially Jim Ames, George Bizenberger, Jeanette Boyer, Richard Burroughs, Kim Fairbairn, Fr Bill Hitpas, Jerome Kern, Curt Reno, Fr Carl Schrage, Fr Jim Thomas, those with cancer, and those with mental and chronic illnesses.
This Weekend
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Today's feast is a stepping stone taking us down the path from Christmas to Easter, hinting in a big way at the suffering that is to come. At Christmas we let ourselves bask in gratitude and awe that God would choose to walk with us so closely on this human journey, yet this is not a walk that comes without difficulties. We too can choose to walk closely with others, especially those who are isolated, oppressed, or marginalized. This choice comes with suffering as our hearts break for each other, but it is a path Jesus walks with us.
Excerpt Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, LTP
This Week in Formed
It's official! Our partnership now subscribes to FORMED! It's available to everyone. Follow the link below and search under Parish for "St Joseph & Corpus Christi" then put in your email and you are on your way to faith-filled entertainment, education and enrichment. Enjoy and visit often!
What's Happening
Upcoming Events
St Joseph - Lebanon
Diocese of Belleville
Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Contact Us:
Office Phone: 618-632-7614
Rectory Phone: 618-632-5631
Email: corpuschristi1@sbcglobal.net
Connect with Us:
Corpus Christi & St Joseph (for handheld device)
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- Fr Paul Wienhoff, Pastor
- Dr. Drew Cowell, Music Director
- Michele Stroot, Director of Religious Education/Youth Minister
- Ellen Vernier, Secretary
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